Octavian Tuesday: Oh, Wait…


Oh wait, that’s Clemenza…well, except for the giant knife it *could* be Octavian and the Marschallin (unless this is a headcanon that they do in Ochs and the Feldmarschall and run off in that carriage together…#hereforit).

Photo by Richard Termine via the Met’s Facebook page.

Friday Funday

A Marschallin (Kiri Te Kanawa) and an Octavian (Frederica Von Stade) get together to sing Mozart sisters…just rather delightful, the fun they have with each other.

The next suggested video per youtube is this classic, I love the chemistry suspended between them.

Marschallin Monday: Auf Eins Zwei

One of my favorite little moments in Act 3 of Rosenkavalier is when the Marschallin, in full regal mode, basically says to Ochs, “WE ARE DONE HERE.”  Of course it takes him 2 more pages (in my libretto) to get gone, because of course it does, but the Marschallin’s clear, dignified drawing of a boundary always gets me.

Renée Fleming, Sophie Bevan, ROH 2016

“Er dar, Er dar in aller Still’ sich retirieren!
Versteht Er nicht, wenn eine Sach’ ein End’ hat?…
und alles sonst was drum und dran hängt, ist mit dieser Stund’ vorbei…
Ist halt vorbei!”